The cat rubs against the legs of the owner because he shares with him his magic and astral strength. The one who pushes the cat at that moment simply blocks the positive energy that the cat tried to give him. Next time, this magical creature will not share his astral energy field with us, it may even take it away from us a bit. ❤
Cats not only protect the house from the entrance of evil spirits and other hostile astral beings, but also release and protect it from the negative energies that were in it before it appeared in it. This is especially important when you want to move into a home that previously belonged to other people or a home where bad things happened.
When a cat senses a ghost at home, the first thing it does is to follow it to understand its intentions. To ensure that this astral being does not threaten his territory, it does everything possible to neutralize its possible negative energy field. If this does not work, he catches such a being and holds it in his energy field and brings it out of the house.
Observing your cat, you can see if it returns to a specific place in the house, maintaining a tense posture and staring clearly at something. This behavior can be a sign of the presence of a negative astral being.
" When we moved into the house where we currently live, and at that time we only had one dog and a cat. We were so afraid that for 4 nights we all slept together in one bed. Nothing unusual was happening, but we felt anxiety and fear in a sense. During the day, our cat penetrated all corners of the house, protecting us at night.Only after the 4th day we felt calm. I believe something was here.
The cat's astral field is so strong that it can easily remove any negative creatures.
The presence of cats will also protect us against all evil spells, energy vampires and curses.
Because cats are channels of cosmic energy, they can bring positive energy into the home, which will contribute to the well-being of the whole family. Cats like to be in places where the energy is strong, as in geopathogenic zones, which can be unfavorable for humans, they are extremely strengthening for cats. They often choose these places because there is a strong negative energy flow or underground water veins.
The Russians had a very interesting ritual: after moving to a new place of residence, they first let the cat into the house. If the house was old, the cat took care of neutralizing all the negative energy left by former owners. If the house was new, it would spread a powerful positive energy charge that was the greatest gift he could give.
However, the greatest power of cats lies in their healing abilities. Cats of every breed and color have the ability to heal and can involuntarily treat their owners, lying in their sick places. One of the easiest methods of treatment with the help of a cat - it's simply stroking him - that frees people from mental and emotional stress.
Amazing animals ❤💚💙